Thursday, June 17, 2010


When I first heard about the gas spill, ruining our envoriment i cried. I thought those poor animals being turtored by the gas spill. Not only is it hurting the sea animals, its also hurting us.
This could ruin our water and also fish to eat. If we dont do something about the gas spill the earth will only have gas oil. It could go around all around the world and spread out and we wouldnt have water, and then their be a crisis.

my life (=

I wake up and go to school,of course the cheerleaders are making fun of me at school calling me names and crap. Their all so beautiful, with the perfect body! But, their mean and mean to people.Im not syaing all cheerleaders are saying that 98 % of the cheerleaders that go to my school are rats. The jocs at school,their just as mean as the cheerleaders,accept they do more physcial turtore. A lot of the times the jocs shove people into their lockers,give the nerds weggies and shove their head into the toliet. And because im VERY weird, nerdy , different and "unpopular" i get made fun of the most with the other looners at school.